Channel: Seeking Beauty
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Art & Mood by Henri Lebasque


+из архива,в настроение

Young Girl in a Hammock,1920

Young woman in a hammock,1923

Young woman in a hammock,1923

Women in the garden

Young woman with a dove

Young woman seated with hydrangeas,1920

Young woman seated on a bench

The garden

In the garden

In the Garden

Woman with a vase of flowers


The garden

Marthe in a Lounge at St.Tropez

Young woman with Umbrella at St Maxime,1918

A woman at Saint Maxime

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Felix Vallotton (12)

Felix Vallotton (13)


La femme aux roses, 1919
Kunstmuseum Luzern Museum of Art Lucerne

(+ архив ЖЖ)

Back from the Sea

Woman reading,1906;Coquetterie

Woman with a Yellow Necklace;The Red Cardigan,1913

At the Dressing Table ,1911

Reading,1922;Women with powder

Woman reading,1906;The Yellow Sheet,1913

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Sir John Lavery (13)


Convalescence in the Apple Orchard,1885

(+ апдейт архива)

Under the Cherry Tree,1884

A visitor in the studio,1886

Woman Painting a Pot,1888

A Conquest, a Heart for a Rose,1892
After the Dance,1883

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Sir John Lavery (14)


©Copyright Glasgow Museums

Lady King,1889-90

Mrs Stewart Clark,1889
Mrs Sargeant,1890

Miss Bain,1889-90;Lady Balfour of Burleigh,1889-90

Miss Shaw-Stewart,1890;Lady Octavia Shaw-Stewart,1889

Mrs Macleod,1889;The Honourable Mrs Maxwell-Scott,1889

The Countess of Dundonald,1889-90;The Countess of Lindsay,1889-90

HRH Princess Alix of Hesse(1872–1918)89; Lady Southampton,1889

Girl's Head,1895

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Sir John Lavery (15)


Miss Diana Chamberlain
Miss Betty Shaughnessy

Miss Diana Chamberlain

Miss Betty Shaughnessy

Portrait of a Lady in a Green Coat,1903;Mrs Katherine Vulliamy,1908

Miss Mary Burrell,1895;Mrs Fitzroy Bell,1894

Lady Firth,1910;Mrs Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham (d.1906)1903

The Countess of Rocksavage,1922

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Seasons/Winter:Art of Russia

Seasons/Winter:Art of Russia (2)

Art of Russia:LAPCHINE, GEORGE (1885-1951)

Art of Russia:LAPCHIN, GEORGY (2)

History of Art:Filaret Pakoun

PAKOUN, FILARET (December, 2 1912-2002)

Two Sisters

Пакун Филарет Иванович
Живописец. Член Союза художников СССР.

Родился 2 декабря 1912 года в Брянской области в семье священнослужителя. Его дед был художником - иконописцем.
В 1932 году Филарет Пакун поступил в Ленинградскую Академию Художеств. Среди его учителей были такие культовые художники как Николай Тырса, Константин Рудаков, Кузьма Петров-Водкин, Казимир Малевич, Борис Фогель. Однако, самым близким направлением для Пакуна оказался импрессионизм. Художник прошел всю войну, дважды был ранен. В 1946 году стал членом Союза Художников СССР.
К сожалению «безыдейное искусство» не поощрялось «официозом», и только после снятия «железного занавеса» к Пакуну пришла настоящая международная слава. В Париже, Лондоне, Женеве, Риме, Токио, в городах Германии, Бельгии прошли сенсационные выставки, сопровождавшиеся самыми восторженными откликами прессы. Пакуна называли «последним импрессионистом XX века», «русским Ренуаром», «русским Моне». На мировых аукционах картины Филарета Пакуна продавались по очень высоким ценам. Так он стал одним из самых модных и дорогих русских художников за рубежом. В 90-х годах в Париже прошло несколько персональных выставок Филарета Пакуна, на которых побывал и приобрел картины бывший тогда мэром Парижа, а ныне Президент Франции Жак Ширак. Большой знаток русского искусства, Жак Ширак, в одном из своих интервью на вопрос: «Кого он считает лучшим художником России?», не задумываясь, ответил: «Филарет Пакун – один из самых моих любимых художников».источник

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History of Art:BENOIS, ALBERT (1852-1936)


BENOIS Albert Nikolaevich
March 14, 1852 (St. Petersburg) — May 16, 1936 (Fontenay-aux-Roses, near Paris)
Painter, graphic artist, architect

Mountain Landscape with Ruin
Watercolour on paper, 34.5 by 51.5 cm.

View of Dresden


Illustration "From the City of St Petersburg to the City of Paris"
Pencil and watercolour on paper, 33 by 21 cm.

Из архива:
Halt of travelers at a fire.
Gouache and pencil on cardboard.

Kind of Kronstadt from a pier of Peterhof.
1889. watercolour

The Evening at the Seashore.
1910. Paper, watercolour.

The Grove.
Paper, watercolour.

Silver Birches, 1904, oil on card


Link 1 ARTinvestment-Biography

Стога в поле

Link 2 Бенуа Альберт Николаевич

Парусник на реке
1900 г.Бумага, графитный карандаш, темпера.
30,1 х 44 см.

У берега Шлиссельбурга
1890-1900-е гг.
Бумага на картоне, акварель, белила, сахарная вода.33 х 52 см

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Art & Mood

Art & Mood


Elizabeth Adela Stanhope Forbes
Newlyn school of painters(продолжение)

On a Fine Day,1903

Из архива ЖЖ:

The leaf

A Dream Princess,1897

Copyright City of London Corporation

*продолжение следует,но когда...посты с трудом проходят даже с кроссом

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Art & Mood

Art & Mood

Art & Mood by Franz Biscoff (5)

Charles Conder (1868-1909)

A Holiday at Mentone,1888

Coogee Bay,1888

Bronte Beach, Queen's Birthday,1888

*о художнике в след.постах
**тэги не проставляются-лимит исчерпан:(

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History of Art:Charles Conder (1868-1909)


Charles Edward Conder (24 October 1868 – 9 February 1909)
English-born Australian Painter

Self Portrait 1902
Photo by F. H. Evans,ca.1908-09

Australian Dictionary of Biography

Charles Edward Conder (1868-1909), painter, lithographer and fan-designer, was born on 24 October 1868 in London, the third child of James Conder and his first wife Ann, née Ayre. In 1870 Charles was taken to India where his father had been appointed executive railway engineer but after his mother's death in 1873 the boy was sent to England to be educated in Eastbourne. His father strongly opposed Charles's wish to become an artist and sent him to New South Wales to work under his uncle, William Jacomb Conder, an official in the Lands Department. On 24 March 1884 Charles sailed in the Windsor Castle and on 13 June arrived at Sydney. There he worked in the office of the Lands Department and in various trigonometrical survey camps in New South Wales, combining surveying with sketching and writing affectionate letters to William Conder's daughter Margaret Emma, most of which were later destroyed. (read more)

Charles Conder, Stella Maris Condor and Florence Humphrey at les Petites Dalles, Normandy,1902 photo by Walter Barnett

Charles Conder Works Online-ARTcyclopedia

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 1864-1901
Charles Conder: Study for Fashionable People at Les Ambassadeurs 1893
Oil on board
Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums Collections

Charles Conder and Lautrec were friends during the 1890s; Lautrec occasionally used him as a model. Here he is dressed appropriately to mix with the wealthy clientele of Paris’s café-concerts. According to a critic of the day, they could ‘only be satisfied by certain specific conditions which live up to their blasé taste and rampant vanity’.-Tate Britain

Tate Collection


Charles Conder was born in England in 1868, but when he was 15 his father sent him off to his uncle, a surveyor in Sydney, Australia, hoping to discourage his love of art. But besides his survey work Conder took art classes, and in 1886 he won a prize for a painting and began getting his illustrations published. Europe beckoned, and he sailed to Naples in 1890, travelling via Rome and Florence to Paris, where he attended Rodolphe Julian’s atelier. He made friends with Oscar Wilde and many other celebrities of the art world; Toulouse-Lautrec painted his portrait in 1892. (It now hangs in Aberdeen Art Gallery.) He spent his later years in London, Paris and Normandy.
The bohemian lifestyle of many gifted men of the age attracted Conder, and his charming, rakish character and witty, delicate work attracted them in turn. But tragically, he became addicted to alcohol, and he died of syphilis in 1909. Just four years after his death, his work was being acclaimed by Degas and Pissarro, who ranked Charles Conder as a ‘Modern Master’.

by Janet Watts-link Swanage Seen Art Trail

Jacques-Emile Blanche 1861-1942
Charles Conder 1904

Auckland Art Gallery

An Impressionist (Tom Roberts) 1889

Sketch Portrait 1889

William Orpen 1900

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Charles Conder (3)

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